Claretian Summer Mission Application Form First name*
Last name*
Postal/ Zipcode*
Age as of 1st of June, 2025
DL#, if you have one
Relationship to you*
Relationship to you*
Relationship to you*
Please Upload a Resume that Contains the Following: Education History: Including schools attended, degrees earned, major areas of study, and any special awards or scholarships.
Work Experience: Including 1-3 most recent places of employment, including your job title, your main responsibilities, and any specific skills acquired.
You can add up to 4 files*
Do you belong to any organizations, clubs, or local groups? Please describe the organization and your role.
Please list all languages that you speak and level of proficiency: Why are you interested in being a volunteer for the Claretian Summer Mission program?*
During the summer, volunteers will live in community with one another, sharing household responsibilities, cooking together, and participating in community activities. What is one thing that excites you about life in community?*
In the past year, think about a time when you had a conflict with someone else. How did you navigate the conflict? What was the result? What did you learn from this experience?*
We each bring different gifts and skills as we work towards justice, peace, equity, and liberation. When you envision yourself working towards these goals, what are you doing day-to-day? What injustices are you confronting?*
The Claretian volunteer program is rooted in the Catholic tradition, though volunteers do not need to be Christian or Catholic themselves. At this time in your life, what does your practicing spirituality look like? *
All Claretian volunteers receive room and board and a stipend of a total of $300 divided into 4 weeks. Volunteers are expected to live within the parameters of support provided by the program. Would you need to earn additional income while you are a volunteer during the summer?*
Reference 1: Professional (supervisor, academic advisor, professor) First Name
Last Name
Relationship to you
Unit or Apartment Unit
Reference 2: Mentor (personal, spiritual, or academic mentor who has known you 3+ years) First Name
Last Name
Relationship to you
Unit or Apartment Unit
Reference 3: Roommate or Peer First Name
Last Name
Relationship to you
Unit or Apartment Unit
Do you have any additional information or comments that would assist us in reviewing your application?
By submitting this application and signing below, I acknowledge and accept the above statements.
I agree that I have filled out this application for the Claretian Summer Mission Experience to the best of my ability. I acknowledge that withholding information or providing false or misleading information either in writing or at any time during the interview process is reason for dismissal from the Claretian Summer Mission Experience. Copies of your profile, application, and interview information will be shared with the program directors.
The Claretian Volunteer program, representatives, or employees of the Claretian Missionaries reserve the right to contact references or former employers.
Thank you for your application. After receiving your final application and references, we will be contact you to schedule an interview.